Free Google Play CreFree Google Play Credit - The One App I Use To Get All My Google Play Purchases For Free

I’m typically not a spender when it comes to apps or media in Google Play. But every now

and then, I see a sale on an eBook I’ve been wanting to read, or an album that I like. While it

wouldn’t kill me to spend a bit on these things, I’m a natural born penny pincher and I

would normally talk myself out of the purchase.


But thanks to this app, that’s no longer an issue! I haven’t had to spend one cent in Google

Play in years!

Free Google Play Credit - The One App I Use To Get All My Google Play Purchases For Free

*This post contains affiliate links. That just means if you click through one of my links and purchase something, I make a small commission at no extra cost to you. See my disclosure policy.

Google Opinion Rewards

Google Opinion Rewards is an app that notifies you of new surveys you can take to earn

free Google Play credit.


All you have to do is download the app and answer some basic questions about yourself.

They will then send you surveys about once a week, although it could be more or less

frequent. You will get a notification on your phone when a short and relevant survey is

ready for you.


You can receive up to $1.00 for completing these surveys that literally only take a couple

minutes! I believe all of mine were from one to ten questions long. So the shorter ones will

take you only seconds!


You will not be disappointed if you download Google Opinion Rewards! My love for the

Outlander books came from using this app, because I wouldn’t have bought the first two

eBooks on Google Play without those free credits! I now love the books and the show!


Will you give this app a shot to rack up some free Google Play credit? Let me know in the comments!

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